1. really sit down and blog - a lot more pending
2. renew my driving license - expired for 7 days
3. bank-in my Feb salary - ish!
4. do some laundry
5. get the 2AM tickets - MUST!
6. get a 500g external hardisc - very the desperate
7. wash my toy - dust is 1 inch thick now :(
8. trim my eyebrow/facial
9. go shopping - only 3 transaction on last month's bill (phone,petrol and facial product...see, i am behaving :D)
10. go for a movie - love and other drugs, anyone?
and what i have been doing is loading youtube.
well since i am taking half day leave to complete my task no 2 tomorrow, i might have time to proceed with task no 1 and no 3. so now, i hv good excuse to continue with my youtube and sleep LATE~ :D chalja