Monday, August 25, 2008

t e e e e e e e e e s

juz now got a sms from my dear
p/s . my dear= my dear (not maple's dear. tak sama.)
mine more cute =P haha
he said he got his car di. and now it's white in color.
hmmm... white... i wonder how 'it' looks like.
no more grey.. i miss mr.grey.

and now, i can go attend Mario's mountain water africa fish gathering,

mm...browsing a taiwan magazine - Choc , juz now .
then i saw a very interesting website
it sells assorted beautiful + cute + creative + colorful + not so cheap but not expensive t-shirts
both mens and women's .

my heart.. super duper itchy now...
keep scratching

ar...which to choose..
i like the pink one.. the green one...
the blue... the white one.. the yellow one...

all of them seem so attractive !!!!
i wan 2 bring all of them home !!!

the designs are so unique ~
and i like t-shirts a lot.
cuz it's casual n easy to match.

$25 per t-shirt
so if i convert into RM = around RM1oo
plus shipping...

can't sleep di.
i wan2 buy . . . .

1 comment:

JiaEe said...

buy la buy la~~~* :D